Zig Zag motivation track for River today

Today I did a simple zig zag track for River at Red Deer College in the parking lot. It consisted of 3 legs, and a left turn, then a right turn, with two articles on the 2nd and 3rd leg. The last time we were out was so cold I wanted to be sure to keep the fun in tracking!

Below is our start. We have worked hard on re-emphasizing scent pads since attending a Joanne Fleming-Plumb seminar last year and it has paid off. You can see a treat in the footstep ahead as well.
She did it so well - very enthusiastic. She did a bobble on the first leg where a student had crossed my track. However, she nailed the first turn and found her first article which was a small Schutzhund article, a piece of carpet. She overshot and did a small circle on the second turn but it was not much of one so I was very happy, considering she used to cast so wide. When she found the leg she shot off and missed a piece of liver.

I must stop being so concerned about picking up missed bait but it is so expensive! I dropped her line, and of course, she did a better job with out her anchor (me) attached and zeroed in on her glove. Not the greatest handling job but it was fun to watch her and I kept filming. In total this track was about 350 meters and it was aged for one hour from 4 to 5 PM, and the temperature was about 0 C.

On our walk back to the car she was just sauntering and still full of energy. She said "that was the track of a simpleton!" I love it when they leave a track feeling SO FULL OF IT. That is the kind of confidence you want them to have all the time, and it will make a difference in how they approach tracking.

Enjoy the little videos!

Start and first turn

First article

Second turn to the end

This final photo was taken for my SchH Tracking friend (guru) Dan waters - Dan, check out my line! I didn't just "toss" it in my car! I LOVE this line, which I got from the Edmonton GSD SchH Club store. I am sure it is from Dog Sport Gear in BC (Ralph Gilby). It is so soft on the hands and does not tangle. And those are my EXPENSIVE tracking treats. That is why I try to pick up missed ones...

In the next few days I have to catch up on my blogging as I have so many pictures to post from last weekend too, with Ash, Michelle's Desert Dog's awesome progress, and Pam's puppy Sting's great start. Stay tuned!

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